How to Clean Diarrhea Out of Carpet: A Step-by-Step Guide



Diarrhea stains on your carpet can be an unpleasant mess to deal with. But with the right cleaning methods and products, you can banish those stains and odors for good.

At Eagle’s Eye Carpet Cleaning, we’ve removed thousands of tough stains over the years. Diarrhea stains, whether from pets, children, or illness, are some of the most challenging to tackle. But our experts know exactly how to clean diarrhea out of carpet of any fabric, leaving it looking and smelling fresh again.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the entire process of cleaning diarrhea stains, from start to finish. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • How to prepare for cleaning diarrhea stains
  • Removing fresh diarrhea stains vs. old dried stains
  • Cleaning diarrhea out of synthetic and wool carpets
  • Using the right cleaning solutions and tools
  • Disinfecting and deodorizing the area
  • Preventing future diarrhea stains

We’ll also provide helpful tips and recommended products based on our professional experience. With the right techniques and supplies, you can feel confident about getting diarrhea stains out of carpet permanently.

How to Prepare for Cleaning Diarrhea Stains

Before you start cleaning, you’ll need to gather the proper supplies and take safety precautions. Here are our top tips for getting ready:

  • Clear the area – Move furniture and clear any items/people away from the affected area. Block it off if needed.

  • Remove excess waste – Carefully scoop or scrape away any loose, solid stool with gloved hands, paper towels, or a plastic utensil. Avoid smearing.

  • Ventilate the room – Open windows, turn on fans, or use odor eliminators. This helps dry the carpet and circulate fresh air.

  • Protect yourself – Wear gloves and consider a face mask to avoid contact with bacteria. Be sure to wash hands thoroughly afterward.

  • Test cleaners – Spot test your cleaning solutions on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure they won’t damage or discolor the carpet fibers.

Once the area is prepped, you’re ready to start cleaning. Act quickly for the best chance of removing fresh stains.

Removing Fresh Diarrhea Stains

When you discover a fresh accident on the carpet, timely action is key for stain removal. Here are the steps our pros take when tackling wet, fresh diarrhea stains:

Step 1: Blot up the excess

  • Use an absorbent material like paper towels or an old rag to gently blot and lift away as much of the diarrhea as possible.

  • Avoid rubbing or pressing down, which can push the stain further into the carpet fibers.

  • Work from the edges inward to prevent spreading.

  • Flush the area with cold water as you blot to help dilute and draw out the stain.

Step 2: Create a DIY cleaning solution

For fast, effective cleaning, we recommend mixing up a simple DIY cleaner using everyday ingredients:

  • 1-2 tsp mild dish soap – Helps cut through grease and residue

  • 1/2 cup white vinegar – Has antibacterial properties that kill germs

  • 1 cup warm water – Activates the cleaning agents

  • Spray bottle – For easy application on the stain

Simply mix the ingredients, transfer to a spray bottle, shake well and you’re ready to clean.

Step 3: Spray and blot

  • Liberally spray the cleaning solution directly onto the affected area of carpet.

  • Let it sit for 5-10 minutes to penetrate and start breaking down the stain.

  • Blot repeatedly with clean paper towels or a rag until you’ve lifted as much residue as possible.

  • Repeat the spraying and blotting process until the stain is no longer absorbed into your cloth.

Step 4: Rinse and blot dry

  • Once the stain is removed, rinse the area thoroughly with fresh cold water to eliminate any soapy residue.

  • Blot again with dry towels to soak up all moisture. You want the area completely dry before moving on.

Step 5: Deodorize with baking soda

For odor removal, sprinkle a generous layer of baking soda over the area and let sit for 15 minutes before vacuuming away. The baking soda will help absorb lingering odors.

With quick action, these steps using everyday household cleaners can often remove a fresh accident stain completely. But for tougher dried-in stains, keep reading.

Removing Old or Set-In Diarrhea Stains

Over time, diarrhea stains can become stubborn brownish marks deeply embedded in the carpet fibers. To remove old, dried stains:

Step 1: Scrape and blot up debris

Gently scrape up any dried residue from the surface using a dull knife or plastic utensil. Blot the area with rags or paper towels to remove all loose material.

Step 2: Make a vinegar cleaning solution

Mix a 50/50 solution of warm water and distilled white vinegar. For extra cleaning power, add 1-2 tsp of mild, pet-safe detergent. Apply it to the stain using a spray bottle.

Step 3: Let solution sit

Allow the mixture to soak into the stain for 5-10 minutes. This gives the vinegar time to break down the old stain.

Step 4: Blot and scrub

Blot repeatedly with clean rags, occasionally scrubbing lightly with a soft brush to help release debris. The stain will transfer to your cloth as you blot.

Step 5: Rinse and repeat

Once the cloth stays clean, rinse the area thoroughly with fresh water. Repeat steps 2-4 until you’ve removed all traces of the stain.

Step 6: Use hydrogen peroxide (optional)

For extremely stubborn old stains, apply a hydrogen peroxide solution after cleaning with vinegar. Spray it on, let sit 5 minutes, and blot clean. Rinse again. Peroxide can help brighten the area.

Step 7: Deodorize and dry

Sprinkle baking soda generously over the clean area. Let sit 15 minutes before vacuuming. Use a fan to speed drying. The baking soda will absorb any remaining odors.

It may take repeated cleaning over days or weeks for old, set-in stains. But our process using vinegar, peroxide and baking soda will gradually break down and lift even the toughest dried diarrhea stains from carpet.

Cleaning Diarrhea Stains From Specific Carpet Types

While the overall process is similar, there are some adjustments you may need to make depending on your specific carpet material:

Synthetic carpets (polyester, nylon, etc.)

Our recommended vinegar, dish soap and hydrogen peroxide solutions are safe for most synthetic carpets. Scrubbing is okay if needed. Once clean, use baking soda or activated charcoal to deodorize. Then dry thoroughly.

Wool carpets

Avoid alkaline cleaners on wool. Use only non-toxic solutions with a low pH, like white vinegar or club soda. Blot stains instead of scrubbing. Rinse with cold water and sprinkle with baking soda. Wool-safe cleaning products are also available.

Natural fiber carpets (cotton, seagrass, sisal)

Check with the manufacturer, but most natural carpets respond well to vinegar, enzyme cleaners, hydrogen peroxide or oxygen bleach. Test hydrogen peroxide first. For dried stains, lightly agitate with a soft brush while cleaning.

Berber carpets

Gently dab and blot stains on Berber carpets to avoid snagging the delicate loops. Use a soft brush or microfiber cloth if needed. Stick to mild, pH-neutral cleaners. Steam cleaning also works well for set-in stains on Berber carpets.

Always be extra gentle with more delicate carpet materials like wool and Berber. Test cleaners first and scrub lightly if needed to avoid damaging fibers.

Helpful Cleaning Solutions and Tools

Having the right supplies makes cleaning diarrhea stains much easier. Here are some must-have products we recommend:

  • Enzyme cleaner like Nature’s Miracle – Enzyme cleaners use “good bacteria” to digest organic stains and are very effective on diarrhea.

  • Pet odor eliminators – Help destroy tough odors and discourage pets from repeated soiling. Products like Angry Orange or Bac-Out work well.

  • Vinegar – Acetic acid in vinegar helps kills germs, remove odors and brighten carpet. Opt for white distilled vinegar.

  • Hydrogen peroxide – The oxidizing properties help remove deeply set protein stains when combined with vinegar. Use a 3-10% solution.

  • Dish soap – Choose a mild soap. The surfactants help emulsify fatty stains. Opt for a pet-safe formula.

  • Baking soda – Sodium bicarbonate absorbs odors. Let sit 15-30

How To Clean Up Diarrhea From Your Carpet.

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